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This is the real me!

My name is Violet Pearl Haring and I was born on the 31st on December ( I know what an annoying day to be born) and raised in Leeds. Though I am only a teen, at the moment , I have been through so much in my eighteen years. From loosing my mother when I was only fourteen , then multiple close losses in my family and dealing with ongoing illnesses. Life can be hard when it throws these things your way. Grief is such a strange experience it's hard to explain. Though for everyone it is different , I have learned coping mechanisms and life lessons in my entire experience. I found myself giving out advice to my friends mums and dads when they loose their parents or loved ones and figured why not create a blog where people can share their experiences of grief , to know you are not alone. Yes , death is a part of life but it is also apart of learning to live. I hope my experiences and advice can help someone reading , as they say being mature does not have an age it comes with experience.

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