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My first experience with death

Now , I know what you're thinking , 'you're eighteen years old how could you possibly be able to giving advice to adult on grief '. But you honestly wouldn't believe the amount of times friends have asked me to message their parents when they have lost a loved one. And yet the main thing I tell each and everyone of them that grief is not a thing you deal with and it goes away , in time it turns into something where you can carry that person and their memories with you.

Well my first experience with death was my grandfather. I was very young at the time - about 11 or 10 - when he developed cancer. This (though I didn't know it yet) was the start of the spiral of cancer in my family. Cancer - such a violent and horrific illness that so many people have to deal with in our day to day lives - sometimes it makes me question my belief in God , why create such a horrendous illness if you love and care about everyone. The thing with cancer is it's so quick and shocking , he was diagnosed and before I closed my eyes he has lost a crippling amount of weight and became weak. When he passed I took it very hard , I had such an amazing relationship with my grandfather as my grandmother would says "your best pals" in her very strong Dundee accent , but when your that young you do not fully understand grief or how it feels , it doesn't hit you as hard, you are oblivious to your emotions. But I took it hard because I saw the pain it caused my mother , and the breakdown it caused in the relationship between my mother and my grandmother , my grandfather was like the glue in the family. And that was the first thing I learnt about loss , sometimes it's not just the passing that causes you pain but also watching the people you love the most also hurt around you.


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